A writers solstice

I have always been fond of the above quote. It comes form Stephen King’s memoir/guide to the craft of writing, On Writing . A book I recommend to anyone looking to progress in the craft. It is also a quote I have been singularly failing at of late having read far less than I would like and barely written two words since about February.

As far as writing is concerned this is not especially unusual, I very much run through peeks and troughs with the craft as many writers do. It is slight more unusual to find I have read very little (in my terms) in the first six months of this year, though not entirely unprecedented. I do most of my reading at night, and sometimes mental exhaustion sets in more than others.

My to read pile is rather larger than normal, and I have been struggling to be enthralled by much of what I have read of late. Generally this is less to do with what I am reading and more to do with my state of mind.

In essence I have fallen out of good habits, in terms of writing and reading, and fallen into bad ones., but today is the summer solstice, this seems a good time to reflect on one of the most important aspects of my life, my sense of self, and who I wish to be and restructure my mindset. In short another Stephen King quote comes to mind…

With that in mind I am determined to make myself go to bed a little earlier each evening to make time for reading. I don’t just read in bed, but it has always been my habit to do so. I need to reinvigorate that habit.

I am also going to make time to write, another good habit I have let fall away of late. My goal is is always to write 500 words a day on whatever my current WIP is. The reason for that is if you can make yourself write 500 words you will find more often than not you will write a 1000 or more. But you have to put pen to paper first, or finger to keyboard at any rate.

Writing is and always has been my passion. I do not need to write to be happy, but not writing makes me unhappy. I need to feed that passion, and stock the fires. It was a hard winter, and a strange spring. But the sun is rising over the hedge and it is time for a summer…. It is time for tall cold drinks with fruit in them, and furious tapping at the keys…

In any regard Happy Solstice for those who follow the many pathways of past wisdom

About Mark Hayes

Writer A messy, complicated sort of entity. Quantum Pagan. Occasional weregoth Knows where his spoon is, do you? #author #steampunk http://linktr.ee/mark_hayes
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