Alternative thoughts

Despite all human accomplishments Human civilisation owes its existence to a six inch layer of top soil and precipitation.

Plants are actually farming humanity. They feed us with oxygen, so they can get the carbon dioxide they require. Then when we are no longer of use to them we decompose in the ground so they can consume us.

A Hippopotamus runs faster on land the an average human. Hippos also swim faster than the average human. This is why the modern triathlon has a bicycle stage, its the only way we stand a chance.

All the instruments humanity have constructed to search for intelligent life, point away from the earth.

Venus is the only planet named for a goddess, it is also the only one that spins clockwise.

Despite Lions not being native England, the national animal of England is in fact a Lion, the Scots consider this to be a classic example of the arrogance of the English, deciding to make an animal that has never been native to your shores as your national animal…

The national animal of Scotland is a unicorn…

It is illegal in Switzerland to own one guinea pig, because guinea-pigs are social animals and get lonely you are required by law to have at least two.

Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins…

About Mark Hayes

Writer A messy, complicated sort of entity. Quantum Pagan. Occasional weregoth Knows where his spoon is, do you? #author #steampunk
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