Friday Flashbacks… 1

As this blogs been around the block a few times, (754 posts over the last 8 years or so…) , I’ve decided it would be nice to dig out some old post that regular readers may never have come across at the time, So I’m starting a new regular feature for Fridays, digging up obscure gems from the blogs past that still entertain me… (or rehashing rubbish if you prefer…)

This first Friday Flashback was originally posted as Philosophical Notes…in November 2018

Music features a lot in my novel Passing Place, music and my love of lyrics, which I often find have a certain philosophical leaning. Of course, they were not always written with a philosophical mindset I am sure. But on occasion, one finds little nuggets of philosophy in the strangest of places. Mainly though this list of quazi-philosophical uttering started out from a throwaway witticism my twitter account… So if your looking for some fine insights into the human condition, this may not be the list for you, but hey if a couple of these make you smile, well then, like the philosopher Jagger once stated…

You can’t always get what you want

but as he goes on to say…


if you try real hard,

you might get what you need

: Jagger

Leave the knight of Dartford on one side. According to the American Blue collar philosopher Springsteen…

We are alive

And though our bodies lie alone here in the dark

Our spirits rise

To carry the fire and light the spark

: Springsteen

Make of that what you will…

Meanwhile, worthy of consideration is the work of a trio of philosophers Felder/Henley&Frey:

‘Some dance to remember, some dance to forget’

(you/they) ‘but you just can’t kill the beast’


While back in the 80’s with vitriolic splendour Peters asked of man’s perspicacity to hide when dark clouds loom…

All cards are marked, all fates will collide

The truth is the truth or the truth is surely a lie

Get back in your shelter if you can’t come down off the fence


There may be more of this to come…

About Mark Hayes

Writer A messy, complicated sort of entity. Quantum Pagan. Occasional weregoth Knows where his spoon is, do you? #author #steampunk
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